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1. Healthcare Power of Attorney

Every year, roughly a quarter of a million young adults between the ages of 18-25 wind up in the hospital. From alcohol poisoning and car accidents to unexpected illnesses. Due to the Covid-19 virus, this year is expected to be far worse. Once a child reaches the age of 18, a parent cannot make healthcare or financial decisions without being duly authorized through a healthcare power of attorney.

Should an adult child get in a car accident, or fall ill and not be capable of making their own medical or financial decisions, then without a durable power of attorney naming the parents as health care agents, the parents cannot make medical decisions on their child’s behalf. If you want to ensure that you can continue to make healthcare decisions for your adult child, then working with your child to create a health care power of attorney should be at the top of your to-do list.

2. HIPAA Authorization

In order to make informed medical decisions, it’s important to include a HIPAA authorization form along with a health care power of attorney. Without it, parents would be unable to communicate with healthcare professionals and insurance companies, as well as access their child’s health records and previous treatment information.

3. Durable Power of Attorney (Finances and Property)

Similar to a health care power of attorney, a financial power of attorney gives parents the ability to make financial decisions on their child’s behalf, should they be unable to do so themselves. Should your child become disabled for any reason, you can access bank accounts and financial records, pay their rent, credit card bills, utilities, as well as manage any loans they may have.